About us
We are a progressive and innovative Centre with a focus on play-based learning. Our campus is surrounded by nature, giving our children opportunities to stimulate their imagination, promote their creativity and develop an appreciation of the natural environment.

Our commitment to excellence
Our programs are planned and implemented by highly-experienced and qualified early childhood teachers. We employ 2 degree qualified Early Childhood Teachers in our Preschool, as well as 6 additional teachers who hold Bachelor degrees in early childhood, primary and teaching.
We are rated as Exceeding the National Quality Standard for Early Childhood Education and Care.

Our curriculum
Using the Commonwealth Government's 'Early Years Learning Framework,' we've developed a play-based curriculum that aims to:
encourage our children to be actively involved in the learning process
experience a variety of developmentally appropriate activities and materials, and
pursue their interests.

Our philosophy
We cherish our heritage, embrace change and advocate for children.
We respect children as active citizens and advocate for their equal rights. We thrive on challenges and nurture resilience.
Our practices are guided by research evidence and theories. We are powerful role models and use our influence to teach the principles of authenticity, honesty and sincerity.
We embrace opportunities for children to marvel and connect with the natural world. We foster a love of learning and promote positive learning dispositions through rich hands-on experiences.
We respect that each individual has unique strengths, knowledge, skills and experience that positively contribute to our community.
Our staffing ratios
We are committed to maintaining small groups of children at each age level. That is why our staff/child ratios are above government requirements.
We maintain staff/child ratios of at least:
1:3 for children under the age of two
1:4 for children between two and three
1:7 for children aged between three and four
1:8 for children aged four years to school age.

Building a sense of belonging & community
Family, cultural heritage and the community play an important role in children’s development.
We value working collaboratively with families and the community to enrich children’s lives and learning through innovative programs.
We establish a sense of belonging and community by welcoming visits from parents and family throughout the day.
And, by holding family events and parent information sessions that provide opportunities to meet and form relationships with other families from the Centre, as well as providing opportunities for relaxed interactions with our educators.
Our history
We were founded in 1969 by ANU staff.
Since then, we have enjoyed a close and enduring relationship with the university.
While ANU contributes to some of the running costs of UPCCC, the ongoing growth and development of our Centre have been largely due to the contributions of our community members over the years.